Region V Emergency Management Coordinators
Region V Coordinators are the backbone of our organization. They work to bring stakeholders to the table to address risks and work proactively through planning, training, and exercises. They are there to coordinate the local response so that resources are put to thier highest and best use. They are also there serving as the critical linkage to integrate cities and counties with the state and federal partners during all phases of an emergency or disaster - preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.
Current Emergency Management Coordinators are:
Calhoun County EMA: Shane Voith 975 1st Street Rockwell City, IA 50579
Phone: 712-297-8619 Email:
Carroll County EMA: Sara Anderson 114 E 6th Street Carroll, IA 51401
Phone: 712-775-2166 Email:
Greene County EMA: Doug Hawn 204 North Grimmell Rd Jefferson, IA 50129
Phone: 515-386-2535 Email:
Hamilton County EMA: Tim Zahn 2300 Superior Street Webster City, IA 50595
Phone: 515-832-9518 Email:
Humboldt County EMA: Kyle Bissell 426 Sumner Avenue Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone: 515-332-4809 Email:
Pocahontas County EMA: Russ Jergens 99 Court Square Pocahontas, IA 50574
Phone: 712-335-3188 Email:
Sac County EMA: James Bullock 1020 West Main Street Sac City, IA 50583
Phone: 712-662-4789 Email:
Webster County EMA: Dylan Hagen 723 1st Avenue South Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone: 515-573-1403 Email:
Wright County EMA: Jarika Eisentrager 115 N Main St Clarion, IA 50525
Phone: 515-851-0202 Email: